My Freedom of Speech


Saturday, September 02, 2006

How, oh how did they use to manage?!

One probably wouldn't stand a chance at arguing that communication channels have gone a long way from 10 or 20 years ago... I mean that's a given fact!! Some years back, when we were kids, remember how we would organize our day precisely ahead of time? We would meet up at his house at this time (hypothetically)... Why was that the case?! Simple really! Lack of proper communication methods.. Our source of communication was the wired home telephone... In other words, once u leave the house, ur off into the wilderness of hope! Hope that ur friends don't decide to cancel in the last minute! Hope that they won't be late! Hope that nothing delays ur trip! Hope that everything goes according to plans... Why?! Well because if anything unplanned occurs, ur simply screwed... Imagine reaching a restaurant and not finding anyone... Waiting while questioning whether they're late, or did they cancel?! In such ciscumstances, u'd be extremely happy if it turned out that they were just late after all...
So how come these problems are non-existant nowadays?!
Tadaaaaaa, introducing THE MOBILE PHONE!
As much as we take cell phones for granted, I must admit that they are life savers! Basically in a scenario similar to the one above, my friend would call me while I was on my way to the restaurant and tell me that he/she would be late... Okay, no biggie, I'll just pass by the supermarket to waste some time.. Or maybe pick up that CD I've been wanting to get... Or how about I check out a clothing store to see if I like anything... If the plan was cancelled, then I could simply ask what the new plan was, and make amends by taking the next turn and heading towards my new destination!
Also, no more worrying where by mom over where I am till 3 in the morning... She can simply dial my number and ask me if everything's okay.. Of course I'll also hear a few words about how I'm irresponsible for staying out without letting her know lol
But overall, god bless whoever came up with the technology that enabled the use of voice communication over a cellular network!

Posted by -OT- @ 2:57 PM, with 23 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006