My Freedom of Speech


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tagged by Princess...

You just had to tag me tonight lol... Just when I thought my lazy lazy night with nothing to do was gonna continue, and now this effort I'm gonna have to put in... I hope u appreciate it hehe :P
Okay, well here goes:

Male friend: Bidi, Maz, Shin, Faisal, Aswad, Wassim, MC..
Female friend: Sarah, Alaa, Lulu, Huda
Vacation: London & Miami!!

Time of day: The time my alarm clock goes off at 7.00 am!!
Day of the week: Saturday!
Color crayon: Purple!

Person you talked to that goes/went to your school: Faisal
Talked to on the phone: Maj
Text: Mayan
Person you instant messaged: Haneen

What are you doing now: Laying in bed with the laptop in my lap! (Now u know why they call it laptop) hehe
Wearing: White t-shirt and black boxers! Yeah, they's what i wear to sleep..

Is: Sunday, depressing :(
Got any plans: You mean aside from the 9 hours of work!? hehe
Goal: To make it through the day without sleeping at the office.. No I'm kidding, I never sleep at work :P
Dislikes about tomorrow: Hot weather and i won't be able to go to the beach!!! Grrrrr!!

Number: 3 and 7
Song: Right now, it has to be Gallery by Mario Vasquez and Crazy by Gnarls Barkley!!
Color: Blue and Black!

Missing Someone: Yeah!
Mood: Lazyyyy
Wanting: a vacation...

I am a cuddler: False...
I am a morning person: FALSE!!!
I am a perfectionist: Hell yeah!
I am an only child: Nope. I am the youngest though
I am currently in my pajamas: Sort of...
I am currently pregnant: Like that's gonna ever happen!
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: Nope
I am left handed: No..
I am addicted to Blogging: Not really
I am online 24/7: Sort of... Does that make me a loser? hehe
I am very shy around the opposite gender: Only when it's a girl I have a major crush on!
I can be paranoid at times: Yeah, at times lol
I currently have a crush on someone: Hmmm I think so...
I currently regret something that I have done: Yes :(
I enjoy country music: noooooo...
I enjoy smoothies: Oh yeah!
I enjoy talking on the phone: Not for long hours though!
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: No, Im fine with that..
I have a hidden talent: Of course, tons of them ;)
I have a lot to learn: Don't we all??
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: Unfotunately yes!!

Are you currently mad at someone? No... Im a pretty forgiving person :)
Which of your friends has the worst temper? I'm afraid to say otherwise he/she wil lose it on me!! hehe no I'm kidding, I just can't think of anyone...
Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Does the TV count as an "Anyone"?? hehe
Ever had something thrown at you? No...
When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? Stare angrily!

Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you? Yes :)
Are you easily excited? No, it takes effort to please me :P
What are you most excited about? Was excited about going to Beirut next month! Not anymore :(
If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? I won!!! hehehe
If you could have anything right now what would it be? The college days back!

Name: Omar (Self Discovery? Like I didn't know my name or something???)
Where were you born? Jeddah...
What’s your main goal in life? To overachieve (I'm getting too old and boring!!)
How do you want to die? Happy, between my loved ones and painfree!!

Sex before marriage? No...
Gay Marriage? No to Gays, regardless of with marriage or without hehe
Lower the Drinking age? No, increase it!
Recycling? Of course!

What was your latest Dream? Ehhhh, can't really tell you! It's too X rated to be told hehe
Have any of your dreams come true? Nope :(
What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? Something involving a plane crashing into my school's play ground while I was there all alone on a weekend!! Yeah, don't ask!!

Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight...
Do you have a bf/gf? Nope...
Do you have a crush? Yeah
How many beds did you lay in yesterday? My own only! Sad hehe
What color shirt are you wearing? White...
Name one thing that you do everyday? Brush my teeth (And u thought I was gonna mention something nasty!!! tsk tsk tsk @ the way you all think hehe)
What color are your walls? 3 walls are beige and one is sponged in brick red!! Yeah, I'm creative ;)
How much cash do you have on you right now? SR 756 ($202)
I can’t wait till…? the weekend begins and I go to the beachhhhh!
When was the last time you saw your dad? August 2005 when he passed away! Allah Yer7amo...
What did you have for dinner last night? Nutella Donuts, and I claim to be dieting!!! Nice!!
What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? Hmmm too long ago to remember
What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? aSmallWorld & ESPN...
Does anything hurt on your body right now? Nope...

Have You Ever:
Have you ever failed a class? Nope.. I was a good student :)
Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? Yeah, back in 6th grade!!
Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? Ewwwwww no way!!
Have you ever slept with a night light? When I was young...
Have you ever danced in the rain? Nope...
Have you ever lied? Yes!
Have you ever had contacts? Yeah...
Have you ever tripped over something stupid? Yes hehe

Pick One:
Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: Samosa
Bollywood, Lollywood, Hollywood: Hollywood
Love marriage, Arranged marriage: Love Marriage!
Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon
How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+: 1 or 2... Actually 2 is good!!
Kulfi, Ice cream: Ice Creammmmmm
Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom: uhhhhh....!?!
Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower: Eiffel Tower I guess lol
Lahore, Khi, Islambad: None of the 3!!

I tag whoever decides to leave me a comment! Evil, I know, but I did buy you all a way out ;)

Posted by -OT- @ 12:40 AM, with 7 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006