My Freedom of Speech


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Random Randomized Randomness

  • Tomorrow is salary day! Lovely :)
  • I think I need to take a summer vacation! Maybe with Eid Ramadan in October!
  • I just hate the heat and humidity that summer in Jeddah brings... Everything feels sticky!
  • Ever wonder how the hell some of these people on the streets passed their driver's License exams?? I'm bewildered really!
  • Speaking of lousy drivers, a couple of days ago, someone actually very slightly grazed my car at the very end of the rear door, like right beside the rear wheel... Now I can understand a scrape on the bumper, maybe someone misjudged the distance while taking a turn/parking/etc, but to have it almost in the middle of the car's body, now that's just great driving I must say!!
  • The weekend's here, wooohooo! Too bad its gonna end sooner than I would have liked it to!!
  • Don't u just love the feeling of waking up in the morning, looking at the clock and figuring out that u still have an hour or 2 before u actually have to get up!? Ahhhh great feeling!
  • God bless music downloading, I dunno what I would have done without it! (Note: I only sample songs for 24 hours and then buy them if I like them :P hehe)
  • I need to lose weight man!!! I actually struck a "deal" with DiDi regarding that matter! I'm doing well so far, down 2 kilos since last week!!
  • I want a Macbook, but at the same time, I'm afraid an update will come out soon after I buy it! Jacqui is telling me that an update won't come out anytime soon and I trust her, after all, she is my official Apple Advisor... I still have my doubts though.. Don't tell her I said that :P
  • I've been obsessing on The Roots - The Seed (2.0) I've literally listened to it like 50 times over today and the day before! It's like 2-3 years old and I loved it when it was released but then forgot about it, but it's back on top of my favorites list!! Actually The Roots kick ass, they're very lyrically sound!! They're amazing, mixing retro beats with new school hip-hop vocals to perfection, good stuff...
  • I'm currently in bed, contemplating whether I should watch a movie or not, and if I do, should I watch "Guess Who" or "Ice Age 2"??? Hmmm not sure..
  • By the way, for those who watched "V for Vendetta", esh raykom fee?! I thought it was one of the best movies I've ever seen! I've decided I wanna get intellectually educated like "V" so I can atfalsaf with all these quotes from plays and old Historians like he does hehehe... God Damn, it's gonna take a lottttt of reading! *Sighhh*

Okay khalas, enough random thoughts for 1 night...

Posted by -OT- @ 5:15 AM, with 24 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006