My Freedom of Speech


Friday, August 18, 2006


As some of my fans know (yeah yeah, I'm starting to build an ego), I've recently switched jobs. I'm six weeks into my new job to be precise! This new job is everything I've dreamed of: More pay, more influence on making business decisions, lots of creativity, a lot of teamwork! Perfect!!!

Well there are a few negative aspects about it as well... I do not have covered parking, so I can slowly expect to see my car's interior melt :( but it's okay, that I can accept... I work in a cubicle, as opposed to my own office in my previous job, but that's also okay... A friend once told me: "You will never move from one job to the next and find that everything is an improvement" True! But life is all about making compromises... For example: Do I give up parking in the shade for more control on business decisions?! Yes, of course!! That's an easy one for me :)

The one thing I wasn't expecting was to be hit on by a homosexual!! *sighhhh* I'm having trouble people!! See, I know how to deal with females showing interest... Either I share the same feelings and we hit it off, or I don't and I turn her down! Having a guy hit on me is a completely new experience which I'm struggling to grasp! I mean the guy is really nice, so I can't be rude to him... While it's clear that he's interested, he still hasn't gone to the extent where I would call it harassment, so I can't tell on him to management! Maybe I'm taking this out of proportion! Maybe I'm blowing it up, but it is starting to make me feel uneasy! Everytime I see him around, I think to myself "Fuck, I hope he's busy and just walks right past me"... The other day, I saw him in the morning... Smiling, he greets me and then says: "I had a dream about u last night"... My eyes shoot open and I'm like: "Say what!? A dream!? About me?!" I really didn't know what to say next!! Luckily my boss showed up and asked me to explain something to him! Fuckin hell, this really sucks!!

Posted by -OT- @ 3:55 PM, with 37 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006