My Freedom of Speech


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lunch with Mystique

Last night, I got a call from Ms. Mystique asking me to join her, and a few of our friends for lunch the next day (Today)... So lunch time was getting close, and I asked Mystique if it would be okay to meet up a little earlier than the rest of the crowd, cuz I was getting bored at the office and I wanted to leave! She agreed, but she asked me to pick her up... As women can't drive in Saudi, that sounds pretty normal, right!? Right, exceptttt...... Mystique's office is actually in the same building that the restaurant is in... All it would take for her to reach the place is to take the elevator, walk out the revolving doors (Both of which she would be doing anyway, even if I were to pick her up)... Okay now for the tricky part! Walking from the revolving doors to the restaurant would take less than 1 minute! I'm being honest here, no exaggeration I promise! But her majesty Ms. Mystique couldn't be bothered! She needed someone to pick her up, drive for 5 seconds and drop her off... Anyway, seeing how nice and sweet I am (I truly am, for real) I agreed to pick her up! 3 mins before reaching her office, I call her up and tell her to come out cuz I'm almost there... She tells me nevermind, my cousin's downstairs... I'll meet u at the restaurant she tells me... Okay cool, so I park my car and meet up with her and her cousin, and we go upstairs and take our seats... Soon our 3 other friends show up and join us at the table...

This is where the fun starts... Mystique is relatively new to sushi and she only eats a select few kinds (She doesn't eat any of the raw stuff)... So she keeps telling me "OT I want the one with the piece of shrimp on top... Maybe we can share an order"... "But Mystique, the order is only 2 pieces!!" I tell her... She says "Oh okay, then I'll have one for my own"... The sushi comes and it was pure pleasure from then on! First she asks the waiter for lemon, and she gestures with her hand as if she's twisting a half lemon and squeezing it! Nice!! Then, I see her taking the fork and knife and flipping the sushi around (Shrimp on its back with the rice over it, and she cuts it in the middle, pokes it with the fork and dips it into the soy sauce! Of course I do not need to explain how messy it got, with the rice dropping into the soy sauce, shrimp halves flying all over the place, and of course Mystique laughing at herself!! Lovely!!! Wait wait, the best part is yet to come!!! I go by the saying "Save the best for last"

While waiting for the main dish, we started talking about childhood experiences... Apparently, Mystique and a cousin of hers had a rabbit when they were 4 years old... For some reason, one day the cousin held the rabbit and Mystique started spreading cream cheese all over the rabbit and then they put him a cupboard... (They were playing chefs and the cupboard was supposed to be the oven! That's her version anyway!!) Anyhow, the two went along and played all day... About 5 hours later they thought, "Oh the rabbit!!!!" Sure enough, the rabbit got "overcooked", in other words it was dead!!! Then Mystique continued with her stories! When she was young, she wanted to hug a bird she had, and I guess she was too emotional, so she hugged hard and the bird got crushed!!! She's been a criminal since the age of 4! I really feel sorry for her husband, whoever he ends up being hehehe...

Now for the best part... We finished eating and asked for the bill... Of course, being a classy restaurant, they brought us tooth picks and hand gel packets... I cleaned my hands, had a tooth pick in my mouth when I got an SMS on my phone... I look at my phone and the message is from Mystique... But she's sitting right in front of me.. I look at her and she's already laughing hard! I open the message and it reads: "The hand gel looks like Durex"... Sure enough, the packet does look like that of a condom... It even has a printed circle in the middle (Which is actually the logo of the restaurant)... Only a perverted mind like Mystique's could've picked that one up along the way!!! Below is a photo of the actual hand gel pack:

Anyway, so this is the story of my lunch break experience with Mystique and our friends... I must admit, I haven't laughed this hard since I can't remember how long ago! She's quite the character and the group was amazing... If only lunch breaks were this fun everyday!!

Oh by the way, Mystique took all the unused hand gel packets with her... I guess she wants them for personal use ;) hahaha

Posted by -OT- @ 3:46 PM, with 17 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006