My Freedom of Speech


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Prejudices vs. Religion

One of the biggest sins that Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) prohibited was Prejudices based on the family (Tribe) and town that one hails from. This is seen the most in the Arab World, and primarily in areas where tribal cultures are strongly evident...
In Kuwait, the country segregates the population into groups based on their bloodline... Group one would be people who are from original Kuwaiti tribes... Group two of those whose grandfathers migrated to Kuwait and got the citizenship but are still considered originally of other Arab countries... Group 3 consists of Persian Kuwaitis... Group four of non-Kuwaitis and so forth...
In Saudi Arabia, the country that's supposed to be the sacred heart of the Islamic Region, Tribal prejudices are extremely evident... Although not as clear as in Kuwait, prejudices in Saudi run deeper though, as there is differentiation between original Saudis from Najd (Central Region) and original Saudis from Hijaz (Western Region)... To the Najdi people, we are considered inferior and they are convinced that we should play second fiddle to them in anything and everything... Of course, needless to say, this is not a general rule, rather a norm that many follow...
Moving to a broader spectrum, cross country prejudices are growing by the day! It is sad to see people mocking others by naming them by their nationality! In Saudi, because the low end working class comprises mainly of Pakistanis, Indians, Egyptians, Philippinos, the perception of these countries has become very poor! When someone fucks up in something, he gets told "U have the mind of a Pakistani!"... You idiot Saudi, if it wasn't for that "Pakistani" you would probably be swimming in your own piss, shit and trash! If it wasn't for that "Egyptian" you would probably be still riding camels!! It cannot be hidden that all these Expats have helped shape up the country back when they were the educated class and we were the idiots!! I agree that now, it's time for them to make way and allow Saudization to take place, but the least we can do is send them back to their countries with the respect they deserve!
Had it not been for the "Pakistanis" and "Indians" would you think for 1 second that Dubai would have been where it is at today?! These so called low class nationals are the reason why Jennifer Lopez, David Beckham and others have decided to move to one of the quickest cities to ever flourish in history!!
In conclusion, I want to point out that I do not appreciate these hypocrites that claim to be servants of the lord 1 day and then go against the Prophet's teaching the next! He did say "The only difference between between an Arab and a Persian boils down to faith or beliefs"... So who are we to judge!?

Posted by -OT- @ 1:18 AM, with 5 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006