My Freedom of Speech


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Who's Better?

Note: The below post is a broad and general look at the negative values and characteristics of our society and does not in any way reflect me or anyone I know specifically... The comparison between me and you is solely used to point out the issues discussed..

  • Does it make you better than me if your family comes from Bedouin origins while mine doesn't?
  • Does it make you better than me if you drive a Porsche while I drive an average Japanese car?
  • Does it make you better than me if your father owns a 10 bedroom villa while mine owns a 2 bedroom flat?
  • Does it make you better than me if you graduated from an Ivy League University in the US and I graduated from a local university in the Middle East?
  • does it make you better than me if you spend your vacations in Cannes and St. Tropez while I spend mine in Cairo and Bahrain?

Are we so obsessed with family names and money that we forgot the true values that REALLY make us better than others!? What happened to the days where actions spoke more than a thousand words? Is it really about what family one's from, or how many dollars there are in one's account? Unfortunately, to most, this is what now seems to matter, but rest assured that to God, this means nothing...

What matters to God is how much we appreciate what God has given us, and how much we give back to humanity... This can be done with the simplest of things, such as providing encouraging words to those in need...

This world we're living in has become so corrupted and driven by greed and arrogance... I just wish people would stop to think a little bit and understand that a small change on a micro level can do the world a lot of good on a macro level...

Posted by -OT- @ 11:47 PM, with 12 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006