My Freedom of Speech


Friday, October 06, 2006


  • Did u know that every year 3 MILLION people die from AIDS?
  • Did u know that there are 40 MILLION people infected by HIV/AIDS all over the world, and that 60% of them are in Africa?! (Even though Africa makes up only 10% of the world population)

Can YOU help?! Yes u can! And I want YOU, actually US, all of US to take the initiative and try to help find a cure for HIV/AIDS! Here's one easy way to do it:

Introducing (RED)!!

What is (RED)? Well, u can look at (RED) as a brand within a brand! It is not a charity, nor is it an organization, it's simply a business model with a chance to grow exponentially! (RED) has teamed up with brands such as GAP, Emporio Armani, Motorola, American Express and Converse to come up with (PRODUCT) RED under each brand... One can look at it as a line within a specific brand...

Basically for every (RED) product bought, the company will give part of the profits to The Global Fund, a private/public organization that raises money towards illnesses in Africa (HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc)... To date, The Global Fund has contributed $5.5 Billion in 132 countries to fight these diseases... Of that amount, about $10.4 Million was raised by (RED) and that's where we can make the difference!! That's where we decide to buy a (RED) product over a non-(RED) product...

"We believe that if consumers are offered this choice, and the products meet their needs, they will choose (RED). And if they choose (RED) over non-(RED), then more brands will choose to become (RED) because it will make good business sense to do so. And more lives will be saved."

I really love this idea!! I hope we can all work individually as well as together to help raise awareness and provide the necessary help to these countries that are in dire need of assistance!

Posted by -OT- @ 5:06 PM, with 22 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006