My Freedom of Speech


Saturday, October 14, 2006

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!!

I'm bored... I'm tired and exhausted... I'm deprived of sleep... I'm sick of work...

I need to relax... I need a vacation... Luckily one's coming up in 3 days, albeit only for a week!

Still worth getting hyped up about!! Even if I end up doing nothing and just sleeping through it, I'll be satisfied by the amount of rest and relaxation I'll be getting...

I've lost my inspiration and creativity to write new posts (hence 2 tags as my last 2 posts)... I have so much running through my mind, but I either can't think of them, or can't figure out how to put them down in post format...

I still visit my blog as well as others' blogs daily, but I just can't find the creativity to write anything! Why is that?! I am not a fan of poetry, so you'll never see me commenting on a poetry post, simply cause I probably won't even bother reading it...

As for fictional stories, I sometimes enjoy them, but nonetheless, if I really wanted to read fiction, I'd go to a bookstore and buy a bestseller... What I'm trying to do here is to create a focus on an extract of my personal life, interesting things that happen to me, issues that I can relate to, matters that could make a difference in my life... I know other readers might be more interested in reading exciting fictional stories or romantic poems, but I'm not gonna do that... I know readers might not be interested in a post about my views on racism, or my take on poverty, but that's besides the point... It's my blog, I should write what I want to write... I still get excited when I get lots of comments, and I like responding to comments that people leave me, but you won't ever find me changing my style to please others...

Posted by -OT- @ 11:53 PM, with 10 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006