My Freedom of Speech


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Flipping through the pages of the Macbook

The pages of the MacBOOK, get it, ha? *sigh* ur all just too slow!!! :P

Anyway ppl, congratulate me please, for I have finally gotten meself an Apple MacBook!! I must say, this machine is such a piece of art! It's also so well built compared to the all too common and familiar Dells, HPs, IBMs, Vaios and Toshibas... First off, everything is extremely intact, U dont have that feeling of a plastic body with empty space under it like u do with other laptops... Here u feel there is exactly the space needed to put everything inside and nothing more... Also the white shell is sooooo sexy! I can just make out with my laptop... Okay I shouldn't have said that out loud :$
As for the O/S, well ummm let's just say I'm still trying to find my way around it, but nonetheless, I can tell it's really good and very user friendly... I'm slowly downloading and installing new programs and software and I will also hopefully take it to the store to install some, come here, closer, closer... Pirated software *whispering it so no one would hear* :P
Overall, I'm so glad I finally put all the speculation aside and decided to get it... It's well worth the money paid :D
Next up: Upgrading the hard drive from 60 gigs to 120 and upgrading memory from 512 mbs to 2 gigs...

Posted by -OT- @ 12:47 AM, with 40 Comments so far!

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Random Randomized Randomness

  • Tomorrow is salary day! Lovely :)
  • I think I need to take a summer vacation! Maybe with Eid Ramadan in October!
  • I just hate the heat and humidity that summer in Jeddah brings... Everything feels sticky!
  • Ever wonder how the hell some of these people on the streets passed their driver's License exams?? I'm bewildered really!
  • Speaking of lousy drivers, a couple of days ago, someone actually very slightly grazed my car at the very end of the rear door, like right beside the rear wheel... Now I can understand a scrape on the bumper, maybe someone misjudged the distance while taking a turn/parking/etc, but to have it almost in the middle of the car's body, now that's just great driving I must say!!
  • The weekend's here, wooohooo! Too bad its gonna end sooner than I would have liked it to!!
  • Don't u just love the feeling of waking up in the morning, looking at the clock and figuring out that u still have an hour or 2 before u actually have to get up!? Ahhhh great feeling!
  • God bless music downloading, I dunno what I would have done without it! (Note: I only sample songs for 24 hours and then buy them if I like them :P hehe)
  • I need to lose weight man!!! I actually struck a "deal" with DiDi regarding that matter! I'm doing well so far, down 2 kilos since last week!!
  • I want a Macbook, but at the same time, I'm afraid an update will come out soon after I buy it! Jacqui is telling me that an update won't come out anytime soon and I trust her, after all, she is my official Apple Advisor... I still have my doubts though.. Don't tell her I said that :P
  • I've been obsessing on The Roots - The Seed (2.0) I've literally listened to it like 50 times over today and the day before! It's like 2-3 years old and I loved it when it was released but then forgot about it, but it's back on top of my favorites list!! Actually The Roots kick ass, they're very lyrically sound!! They're amazing, mixing retro beats with new school hip-hop vocals to perfection, good stuff...
  • I'm currently in bed, contemplating whether I should watch a movie or not, and if I do, should I watch "Guess Who" or "Ice Age 2"??? Hmmm not sure..
  • By the way, for those who watched "V for Vendetta", esh raykom fee?! I thought it was one of the best movies I've ever seen! I've decided I wanna get intellectually educated like "V" so I can atfalsaf with all these quotes from plays and old Historians like he does hehehe... God Damn, it's gonna take a lottttt of reading! *Sighhh*

Okay khalas, enough random thoughts for 1 night...

Posted by -OT- @ 5:15 AM, with 24 Comments so far!

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Friday, August 18, 2006


As some of my fans know (yeah yeah, I'm starting to build an ego), I've recently switched jobs. I'm six weeks into my new job to be precise! This new job is everything I've dreamed of: More pay, more influence on making business decisions, lots of creativity, a lot of teamwork! Perfect!!!

Well there are a few negative aspects about it as well... I do not have covered parking, so I can slowly expect to see my car's interior melt :( but it's okay, that I can accept... I work in a cubicle, as opposed to my own office in my previous job, but that's also okay... A friend once told me: "You will never move from one job to the next and find that everything is an improvement" True! But life is all about making compromises... For example: Do I give up parking in the shade for more control on business decisions?! Yes, of course!! That's an easy one for me :)

The one thing I wasn't expecting was to be hit on by a homosexual!! *sighhhh* I'm having trouble people!! See, I know how to deal with females showing interest... Either I share the same feelings and we hit it off, or I don't and I turn her down! Having a guy hit on me is a completely new experience which I'm struggling to grasp! I mean the guy is really nice, so I can't be rude to him... While it's clear that he's interested, he still hasn't gone to the extent where I would call it harassment, so I can't tell on him to management! Maybe I'm taking this out of proportion! Maybe I'm blowing it up, but it is starting to make me feel uneasy! Everytime I see him around, I think to myself "Fuck, I hope he's busy and just walks right past me"... The other day, I saw him in the morning... Smiling, he greets me and then says: "I had a dream about u last night"... My eyes shoot open and I'm like: "Say what!? A dream!? About me?!" I really didn't know what to say next!! Luckily my boss showed up and asked me to explain something to him! Fuckin hell, this really sucks!!

Posted by -OT- @ 3:55 PM, with 37 Comments so far!

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

OT is officially an Uncle!!!

Yup yup, it's true... My brother and has wife had their first baby today! Unfortunately they're in London so I haven't seen the baby in real life yet, although my bro has sent a picture of her!! I just wanna say Mabrook to Talal & Rabya :)

Oh by the way, the poor thing is still nameless! They haven't decided what to call her, although one of the options is Layan, and I think I'm gonna lobby for that name! I like it, it's unique :)

  • UPDATE: As I had been hoping, they have finally decided on naming her Layan! So it's now official: Baby Layan, welcome to the family :)

Posted by -OT- @ 3:09 AM, with 16 Comments so far!

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

George Galloway!!

Amazing speeches by the British MP... Enjoy :)

God bless you dude!!!

UPDATE: Since our lovely government in Saudi Arabia have blocked access to YouTube's website, I have found the following links to the same videos on Google Video... I just hope this doesn't get blocked again!!

Interview on Sky News (Link 1)

Interview on Sky News (Link 2)


Posted by -OT- @ 9:54 AM, with 14 Comments so far!

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Hypocricy at its Finest...

We decided to meet at a Starbucks because she wanted some music and I wanted Season II of Lost... I was parked outside Starbucks, waiting for her to arrive... She was late! By the time she got there, they were already closed for Maghreb Prayer... So she told me there's this cafe right next to Starbucks that she's been to before! "Let's see if its still open"... Sure enough to our delight, it was... We made our way up the stairs and sat ourselves at one of the tables. We were in control of the place, as no one other customers were there... I asked the waiter if I can connect my laptop and he showed me where the electricity outlet was! The process of swapping music and Lost had begun...

Right after Maghreb, a couple of girls walked in, covered in black from head to toe, with the exception of their eyes and hands.. They directly made their way into the ladies room and spent about 20 minutes there.. Out came 2 women, with no Abayas, no Tarhas, full make up on, perfume scents filling the entire place, giggling and joking... They sat at the table behind us... I told my friend, "I bet you anything, a guy or two will arrive in a few minutes and join them at the table"... I wasn't to be disappointed, as a minute or two later, their 'date' or whatever u wanna call him showed up... They spent about an hour before 1 of the girls suddenly got up and went to the ladies room again... 5 minutes later, a black figure emerged out of the bathroom, said goodbye and left the 2 love birds... The fact that she transformed herself from the lady under the limelight, to the lady no one would notice in minutes was hilarious... On a lighter and more positive note, this whole incognito arrival/departure act made our day! My friend and I were laughing so hard at the whole scenario!!

Anyway, about 30 minutes later, Lady #2 went through the same process of going under the mask again :P She left the same way she arrived!

God forbid anyone outside the cafe seeing her face! It would be an utter sin! Surely she'd go to hell for that! My oh my!!! Oh lord! Actually I think hypocrites like that should not be respected! Too much fakeness to even know if what one thinks merits respect in their cases is even real!

Posted by -OT- @ 12:53 PM, with 30 Comments so far!

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Friday, August 04, 2006

The world of Mac!!

I've always been a loyal fan of Windows based laptops and PCs... Now I have an HP Pavilion laptop at home and a Toshiba at the office... Prior to that, I had an IBM Thinkpad during my college years... I've had my HP for close to 2 years now, and although its still up to date with the lower end laptops (Intel Centrino, 1.6 GHz, 60 GB Hard Drive, 256 MB RAM memory, CD/DVD Writer, etc...) I feel like I need to reward myself with a new laptop. Yeah, I like to spoil myself every once in a while since no one else seems to be spoiling me!!!
While I adore my HP laptop and even loved my IBM Thinkpad even more back when I first got it, I think the time has come for me to buy a MAC!!!! Should I make the world famous conversion?? Can I handle it?? I think I can, and I have fallen in love with Mac's new laptops, mainly the MacBook Pro (15" widescreen) and the MacBook in white (13.3" widescreen)...
Both laptops are equpped with Intel's core duo technology, making them much faster than Mac's previous Powerbooks, which in turn were even faster than most Windows based laptops... Now let me give the advantages of both and let you all help me decide :)
MacBook Pro:
Pros: Large screen... 1 inch thick... Beautiful matted metalic sliver case... Backlit keyboard...
Cons: More expensive... Larger and less mobile... Heavier
Pros: Great size... Amazing white plastic case (Like the iPod)... Light... Affordable price...
Cons: No backlit keyboard... Glossy screen (Could be pro or con based on opinion)... A bit thicker than the MBP (1.1")...
So, do any of you have either of the two? I need assurances more than technical information, because I've researched all the tech specs and all... I just need opinions :)
Also, I've heard that many people were unhappy with the MacBook because some faulty versions were getting too hot and shutting down on a regular basis... I hear that's an issue! People are saying that the MacBook really really heats up!
I'm leaning towards getting the White MacBook but I still wanna hear what everyone has to say... Thanks :)

Posted by -OT- @ 9:00 PM, with 20 Comments so far!

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Plans for the future?!

I was having dinner with a group of people last night, and the issue of marriage came up... During the conversation, someone asked if the girls would like to marry a filthy rich guy? Most of the girls actually said that they did not want someone very rich, rather someone who can at least equal the financial lifestyle that they currently live with their families... A couple of them believed that the most important factor is to be from the same social class, not necessarily the same financial class... Do you believe that money buys happiness?! In my opinion, money is a temporary diversion from depression!

In my opinion, I would love to marry a girl who I could consider a friend... I want someone who can challenge my intellect... Someone who I can actually sit down with and have interesting discussions... So in other words, a girl who is compatible with the way I think...

Things I look for in a girl: Fluency in English (Other languages is a plus), respectful, ambitious, Well educated, somewhat religious...

Things I dislike in a girl: Superficial, materialistic, fake, show-off...

Mom came into my room a couple of nights ago...
Mom: Omar, with all these girls that u know, aren't you interested in any of them at least just a little?! Aren't any of them more than just friends?! You're getting older and it's the right time to maybe start thinking about finding Ms. Right?!
OT: Mom, didn't we agree that we won't discuss this issue! I told u when I'm ready, I'll make it known that I am ready!
Mom: Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to pressure u, I'm....
OT: But you are trying to pressure me!
Mom: I'm only trying to understand where ur at right now.
OT: I'm exactly like I was last year and the year before... I won't look for a wife once I'm ready, rather, I'll be ready once I meet someone that interests me!
Mom: But you need to start saving up! It's costly to get marries as u know!
OT: I know mom!!!!!!
Mom: Ok, Ok, I just wanted to remind u that ur 25 now! I won't bother u, but just tell me.. When do u see urself getting married?
OT: 27 or 28... Ok?!
Mom: Okay... Goodnight dear
OT: Goodnight mom!!

I hate thisssssss!!! ufffffffff!! Are any of you getting this crap from family???

Posted by -OT- @ 3:07 PM, with 15 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006