My Freedom of Speech


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Are we really following God's way?

I was utterly disgusted by this article... It will certainly raise a few eyebrows here and there!!

I'm no Shaikh, and by no means am I trying to imply that my opinion is correct, but looking at this through unbiased, highly sensible eyes, I cannot see how this could be religiously correct!

I understand that women and men should not mix if not married, and I understand that they were both at fault to be sitting in his car alone... Nonetheless, to tell me that after the lady was forced into a gang-bang rape and after her male friend was raped by 3 of those guys, the judge actually has it in him to order each of the two to receive 90 lashes! Dear God, does he not have the slightest sympathy in his heart?? If he's arguing the case that any 2 opposite genders sitting together in a car should be whipped, then I hereby declare that I must be whipped from now all the way to 2008!!!

Actually, in reality, what's bothering me isn't the fact that the 2 victims are gonna be punished, rather, that the 7 'animals' are getting lenient punishments! Why? Because there is no evidence that the rape actually occured... Of course the judge follows Islam word by word in such cases, as in the lack of 2 witnesses would force the case to be dropped! What ever happened to DNA testing? Or physical examinations? Or Seman comparison? or... or... or... Science and technology have gone a long way towards proving such cases! Ya jama3a, Allah said il Islam deen Yusr, but everywhere I look, I find people trying to make it harder and harder! Instead of il yusr, they're turning it into 3usr! Are we so empty handed and clear headed to the extent where we need a shaikh to put in hours and hours to explain how it would not be religiously correct to prove the Hilal using telescopic or more advanced technologies?! Isn't il 7adeeth "9oomoo liru2yatih wa af6iroo li ru2yatih" being followed when they SEE the Crest using telescopes!? Using technology isn't necessarily tashabboh bil kuffar! The problem with our Shuyookh is that they associate advancement with Westernization! How wrong is that!!!

Oh and how about Fatma, the poor woman who was forced into a divorce because her cousins felt that her husband wasn't from her same class, be it financial or social! Regardless, the woman had been happily married for 3 years and was pregnant with her 2nd child! Both the lady and her husband were obviously satisfied with the outcome of their marriage! Who the F**K are you to barge into her life and just ruin it like that!!! il deen yusr ya nas! Stop complicating trivial matters and focus on the things that are keeping us 50 years behind the more advanced countries!!!

I'm sorry if my post had a lot of randomness and scattered thoughts, but I was just trying to speak my mind as the thoughts were flowing...

Posted by -OT- @ 12:31 PM, with 14 Comments so far!

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My Freedom of Speech 2006